Teen girl gang facing crackdown by police over anti-social behaviour in Doncaster town centre

Police have changed their patrols to deal with gangs of teenagers in Doncaster town centrePolice have changed their patrols to deal with gangs of teenagers in Doncaster town centre
Police have changed their patrols to deal with gangs of teenagers in Doncaster town centre
A crackdown on gangs of nuisance teenagers causing havoc in Doncaster town centre is underway after complaints from the public.

During half term, police re-arranged their shifts because of concerns about the problem, and Doncaster Council bosses have already started taking action to stem the issue.

Particular concerns have been raised over a group of around 20 teenagers - mostly girls thought to around 15 years old.

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Officers were called out to deal with them six times in one day last week, during the school half term. There are also reports of a teen gang throwing a smoke bombs at a council official.

Insp Lynne Lancaster said: "There have been issues around the Frenchgate Centre, the transport interchange and Lakeside Shopping Centre, They have been issues with teenagers on bikes being verbally abusive.

"It was school half term last week, so we put on extra resources in that area, around the interchange.

"We have already identified about 10 young people, and the idea is to identify the rest of them so that we can deliver acceptable behaviour contracts to their parents.

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"It is a gang of mainly girls, and that is not a mix we have seen in the past. We are looking at CCTV footage."

Most reports have been at weekends and evenings.

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Among the worst days for the issue was Tuesday last week, when incidents were reported at McDonalds, St Sepulchre Gate, the Frenchgate, the interchange, and clock corner. The gang had been described as having covered faces and shouting abuse. One teenager is understood to be a suspect in an attack on a security man at the Frenchgate Centre.

Officers are also looking at using disperal powers under the Doncaster town centre Public Spaces Protection Order to deal with the groups.

Doncaster Council bosses are aware of a problems with gangs of youths.

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They have already started to take action to try to relieve the problem.

Extra closed circuit television cameras have been installed in the tunnelled area which runs between the interchange and the B&M store on Church Way.

They have also closed two of the tunnels there completely, sealing them off with steel fences to reduce the opportunity for gangs to gather or hide away.