Calls for tougher powers to be enforced in Mexborough town centre to deal with anti-social behaviour

Mexborough town centreMexborough town centre
Mexborough town centre
A councillor has called on Doncaster Council and South Yorkshire Police to implement powers to curb anti-social behaviour in a borough town.

Coun Sean Gibbons has called on the local authority to install a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in Mexborough to tackle town troublemakers who partake in things like aggressive begging and street drinking.

The councillor said issues like these are ‘increasing’ in the area.

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In an email thread seen by the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) shows Doncaster mayor Ros Jones is in favour of the plan back in August and has asked senior officers to look into implementing the order.

But nothing has been said publicly since the email chain.

A Public Spaces Protection Orders deals with a particular nuisance problems that is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life in a particular community.

It can prohibit certain things or require specific things to be done such as begging, street drinking and anti-social behaviour.

An example of when a PSPO may be issued could be to help keep dogs under control within a public place such as a park. It may require that the dog is kept on a lead at all times and/or the dog is only allowed in certain areas.

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It can be made to apply to all people, or limited only to certain people and can be restricted to specific times. A PSPO can last no longer than three years but can be renewed if necessary.

Failure to comply with the order can result in a fine or a fixed penalty notice.

Coun Gibbons said: “We’ve been asking for a PSPO for some time now for Mexborough, probably a couple of years.

“It’s all around ongoing issues in the town centre, things like street begging, street drinking and the general anti-social behaviour that comes with it along with general drug use as well.

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“I’m not saying it’s as bad as it is in Doncaster town centre but what we’ve said is we’ve noticed these issues increasing in Mexborough and this was escalated to senior officers within DMBC.

“It was quite a surprise but the mayor said that she would support it. There’s been some days of action with the police and that’s great but if we had the PSPO, that would give us that extra support to really tackle these issues.

“There was the initial support from senior people but it’s all gone quiet.”

Doncaster Council and South Yorkshire Police have been contacted for comment.