Readers' Letter: Thousands have already died of Covid-19

Thousands of health workers have already died from this virusThousands of health workers have already died from this virus
Thousands of health workers have already died from this virus
Covid-19 has killed almost 150,000 in the UK and goodness knows how many worldwide.

Scientists around the world worked night and day and produced vaccines that have saved thousands if not millions of us.

Keith Burgin, Free Press 23/12/‘21, thinks it clever to give advice not to vaccinate.

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I wonder how he would feel if one of his loved ones suffered a heart attack or stroke and died because no ambulances were available as they were all full of other idiots too dim witted to protect themselves against a known killer virus?

Or he himself was diagnosed with cancer and told his treatment could not begin for six months as all doctors were fighting the virus?

Thousands of health workers have already died from this virus and it is up to us all to give as much protection as we can to those still fighting this disease by getting vaccinated.

I believe all those requiring treatment for Covid-19 who have no valid reason to not be vaccinated should be made to pay for it.

I think most people would agree.

Andrew Miller

Canberra Avenue


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