Readers' Letter: I used to love Doncaster town centre

Readers have criticised the town centre.Readers have criticised the town centre.
Readers have criticised the town centre.
I have to say I agree with Pamela Boulton of Balby, who’s letter I read today on your website. Back in the 90s I used to love Doncaster town centre. Now it is an absolute disgrace.

Everywhere you go shops are boarded up or empty. You’ve got druggies and alcoholics literally littering every corner of the town centre. You can’t get away from it. They shout and fight with each other, no doubt over drug related issues.

These so called council wardens are seemingly nowhere to be found, when this is happening, but as soon as someone drops a cigarette end, they miraculously appear. Going into town is so unpleasant now.

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Half of Waterdale has been demolished, and resembles a building site that’s never going to be completed. The sparkly new units in the other half are empty and have been that way a good few years.

I hold no illusions about the other units near the new Savoy cinema. It would have cost a lot less to refurbish the old ABC cinema. The Savoy Cinema another waste of money!

Doncaster market is no longer a market and is much missed by Doncaster residents. Doncaster Council want a serious boot up the proverbial.

Mr A Ingram


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