North Lincolnshire students' record breaking exam success

Ruby Moore and family celebrate A-level success at Hill House SchoolRuby Moore and family celebrate A-level success at Hill House School
Ruby Moore and family celebrate A-level success at Hill House School
Summer success and huge sighs of relief greeted this year's A-level results in the district's high schools.

At South Axholme Academy students and staff were celebrating their second year of outstanding A-level and Level 3 results, which place the academy’s sixth form in the top 10 percent of providers nationally.

Students have achieved a record breaking 47 percent of A*-B grades and a 100 percent A*-E pass rate. And all Level 3 entries in Business and in Sport achieved distinction* or distinction.

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South Axholme A-level successSouth Axholme A-level success
South Axholme A-level success

Many exceptional performances were celebrated by the academy’s outgoing Year 13. Leading the way were Robbie Robson (A*A*A*) who is leaving to commence a medicine degree at Manchester University and Eloise Rose (A*AA) who will begin a veterinary science degree at Liverpool University.

Strategic lead for South Axholme sixth form, Maria Rock, said: “These are an outstanding set of examination results that reflect a huge amount of hard work by an excellent group of students who have been exceptionally well supported by staff at South Axholme Academy and their families. The academy’s sixth form has continued to achieve high standards in all subjects with fantastic results for Year 13 but also our Year 12 mathematicians, three of whom achieved A grades in their AS maths exams.”

Students at Hill House School are also celebrating as they received a record set of A-level grades, despite recent reforms designed to make A levels harder.

The pass rate at Doncaster’s independent school was 100 percent. A record 65 percent of exams were graded at A* to B, with 31 percent attracting the top A*/A grades. Star performers from the Isle included Ruby Moore, who achieved AAC, Patrick Gallagher with ABB, and Milly Everatt, who combined academic studies with her career as Miss Lincolnshire, achieving two B grades.

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Headmaster David Holland was delighted with the successes and said the school was especially pleased with the results, as examinations were getting harder and he added: ‘this reflects a lot of hard work and talent from both students and teachers.”