Nominate an unsung hero of the local community

Mayor of Doncaster Ros Jones pictured with the Doncaster Free Press Pride Award winners 2015. Picture: Marie Caley NDFP Pride MC 1Mayor of Doncaster Ros Jones pictured with the Doncaster Free Press Pride Award winners 2015. Picture: Marie Caley NDFP Pride MC 1
Mayor of Doncaster Ros Jones pictured with the Doncaster Free Press Pride Award winners 2015. Picture: Marie Caley NDFP Pride MC 1
Today we launch the Doncaster Pride Awards to honour those exceptional people in the area that go over and above to give something back to their community.

The awards aim to recognise people from all walks of life, young and old for a range of contributions.

For a full list of categories, criteria and to nominate a hero CLICK HERE

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Doncaster Pride Awards.Doncaster Pride Awards.
Doncaster Pride Awards.

The nominations will be deliberated over by a panel of judges.

Winners will be honoured at an awards ceremony at Castle Park Rugby Stadium on Wednesday 19th October

South Yorkshire Newspapers group editor Phil Bramley said: “Readers tell us on a regular basis how proud they are of Doncaster and how individuals in the town have made a real difference so we are delighted to be The winners at last year’s Doncaster Pride Awards able to celebrate this and give these people a well deserved pat on the back

“We are looking forward to seeing the entries flooding in.”

Doncaster Pride Awards.Doncaster Pride Awards.
Doncaster Pride Awards.

Haroldine Lockwood, events manager, added: “There are many reasons to be proud of Doncaster, but the main one is the incredible people who live and work here to make it such a fantastic community.

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“These awards are perhaps the most important that the Doncaster Free Press presents each year.

“They honour the brave and the determined, the ordinary people who do the special things that prove to be such an inspiration to us all.

“I am incredibly proud to be involved with these awards as they recognise our area’s true heroes: the unsung people of courage and commitment who deserve recognition the most.”

To nominate someone, simply click on the link above.

There you’ll find all the categories and criteria for our winners.

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There you just need to tell us who you wish to nominate and include a few details about why you think they’d be worthy winners.

If you have any queries about nominations, please call Haroldine on 07803 505658

The closing date for entries is midnight on Monday, September 26.

The categories are:

Special Achievement in the Community, sponsored by St Leger Homes

Sporting Hero, sponsored by Doncaster Knights

Award for Bravery, sponsored by Wise Owl PR

Carer of the Year, sponsored by Total Finance Options

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Public Sector Worker of the Year, sponsored by Club Doncaster Foundation

Educational Person of the Year, sponsored by Doncaster College

Neighbourhood Superstar

Reduce, Reuse and Recyle

Inspirational Young Person, sponsored by New College Doncaster

Mayor’s Special Award, sponsored by Doncaster Refurnish

Love Where You Live, sponsored by XP School

Overall Winner, sponsored by Doncaster Refurnish

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