In the Saddle: Why poo pick?

Anitas horse Sully helps her to poo pickAnitas horse Sully helps her to poo pick
Anitas horse Sully helps her to poo pick
There are many reasons why poo picking is a crucial aspect of paddock maintenance. It's one of those jobs that's not exactly a love of horse owners, but we have to crack on.

Horses apparently do around nine tonnes of poo every year. I think that's equivalent to the approximate weight of 9 small cars but why clear it from a field? Won't it just rot? The first reason is all about those pesky worms. Clearing manure will considerably reduce the number of parasites in the field. It won't get rid of everything, that's impossible, but it really does help.  As my horses poop around the edges of the paddock, regular poo picking enables me to also inspect my field for broken fencing and poisonous plants like ragwort.  In addition by regularly clearing manure I'm able to check the consistency and ensure there isn't a problem with my horses.  I know roughly how much manure to expect a day so I'll be aware if there's something wrong with their gut. It could be one of the first signs of colic.  Droppings also attract flies. There's no doubt about that. Since one of my horses has an allergy to practically every fly - I want my paddocks as clear as possible. Flies are dirty little things. Who wants them hanging around? Not me. Finally, I just simply think a well managed field looks nice. I don't like to see a horse in a field full of manure.  Whilst I can't expect a field to look like a bowling green, I'd like it to look neat and tidy. It's just how I am. Poo picking certainly is a necessary evil. If you feel like helping just give me a shout. 

Happy New Year!