How would Doncaster look under Scottish rule by staying in the EU?

This is how Doncaster will look under Scottish rule.This is how Doncaster will look under Scottish rule.
This is how Doncaster will look under Scottish rule.
The news that Doncaster could remain in the EU under Scottish rule certainly got a few readers hot under the collar.

We revealed yesterday that under ancient laws, Doncaster is still technically part of Scotland - and if the Scots - who voted by majority to remain in the EU manage to broker a deal to stay, Doncaster could be 'fenced off' and join with them north of the border and stay in Europe, despite the Brexit vote.

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Could Doncaster be "fenced off" with Scotland and STAY in EU after Brexit vote?
This will replace The Dome.This will replace The Dome.
This will replace The Dome.

Obviously, the story was just a little bit of tongue in cheek fun but scores of readers were angry at the prospect of being ruled by Scotland and staying within the European Union with Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the helm.

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But what would Doncaster look like under Scottish rule? Just for fun, we've drawn up how our town will look by being run by Scotland and staying in the EU...

* Doncaster would be encircled by a 20ft high tartan wall, equipped with border guards playing bagpipes 24 hours a day to keep residents under control.

* The A1 would be a high-speed expressway linking mainland Scotland with Doncaster with checkpoints at Barnsdale Bar. The East Coast Main Line would allow Doncaster people a fast and free easy access to Europe.

Kids will drink Irn Bru instead of milk.Kids will drink Irn Bru instead of milk.
Kids will drink Irn Bru instead of milk.

* Everyone in Doncaster would have to carry a Scottish passport carrying the slogan "Hoots Don!"

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* Residents of Doncaster would be encouraged to speak to each other a bit like Sean Connery. Sphlendid.

* School milk will be phased out in favour of draught Irn Bru

* Doncaster Rovers would be promoted to the Scottish Premiership to enjoy plum fixtures against Glasgow giants Celtic and Rangers.

These men are your new leaders.These men are your new leaders.
These men are your new leaders.

* All of Doncaster's fish and chip shops would be legally obliged to sell deep fried Mars Bars - and these would replace Yorkshire puddings at all Doncaster Sunday dinners.

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* In order to keep locals fit, residents would be asked to walk 500 miles (and then walk 500 more) with the back catalogue of The Proclaimers made compulsory on the school curriculum.

* The roof of the Dome would be replaced by a giant Tunnock's teacake - and all buildings would be required to fly the Scottish flag at all times.

* The Mansion House would become Scotland's seat of power in Doncaster - and would be repainted with specialist tartan paint.

This will replace The Dome.This will replace The Dome.
This will replace The Dome.

* The Loch Ness Monster would be relocated - to Sandall Park Lake

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* The water supply would be cut off - and replaced with whiskey

Doncaster was seized by the Scots nearly 900 years ago - and has never officially been handed back.

Local historians Peter Robinson and Charles Kelham unearthed evidence that Doncaster was under Scottish rule for 21 years from 1136 to 1157. But while the town was officially signed over between the kings of England and Scotland, it seems it was never formally handed back.

Four years ago, a spokesman for the Scottish Nationalist Party said Doncaster would be greeted with open arms and added: “Doncaster is a fine town. If the people of Doncaster ever wanted to rejoin Scotland and benefit from all the good work of the SNP government, we would make them very welcome.”

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Last week, Ms Sturgeon held talks with high-ranking Brussels officials last week in a bid to make Scotland’s case for remaining in the bloc.

In last month’s referendum, 62 per cent of Scots voted to remain in the EU.

In Doncaster, 69% of people voted out with just 31% voting to remain in.