Doncaster is '˜truly one of UK's dirtiest places to live!'

Litter - Thorne Road, Christchurch and Bass Terrace,Litter - Thorne Road, Christchurch and Bass Terrace,
Litter - Thorne Road, Christchurch and Bass Terrace,
It would be interesting to learn from DMBC just how much they have raised in extra revenue from their recent increase on fines imposed on littering.

Right you can see what used to be a pleasant corner of the town centre, nestled between Thorne Road, Christchurch and Bass Terrace, and your readers will be able to observe how much the fine of £150 per item has stuck terror into the hearts and pockets of the lazy, the filthy and the couldn’t care less folk who sit here daily and dump their rubbish regardless of any threat.If the fines were indeed being imposed on what is scattered liberally about, DMBC would be well over £6,000 the richer in this spot alone. After taking this picture, a drunken male sat down on the bench and finished off a bottle of cheap wine, ignoring the sticker on the bin that warns against anti-social behaviour.He was a foot from the receptacle but threw the bottle into the shrubbery. A great example for the youngsters who attend the Academy opposite!Doncaster truly is one of the dirtiest places to live in the UK! I used to be proud to live here. Today, I am ashamed to entertain visitors.

Phil PenfoldLawn Road, Doncaster

* See this week's Free Press for more letters

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