Residents report 'volley of gunfire' after '20 shots' fired at Doncaster house

Residents say shots were fired in Winchester Avenue, Wheatley last night.Residents say shots were fired in Winchester Avenue, Wheatley last night.
Residents say shots were fired in Winchester Avenue, Wheatley last night.
Residents in a Doncaster street have reported hearing gunfire, with reports of shots being fired and smashing windows at a house last night.

People near to Winchester Avenue, Wheatley reported hearing shots fired in the area at around 11.30pm.

One said they had been woken by the incident, in which shots are said to have been fired from two vehicles.

The witness said: “I must've heard at least 20 shots.

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"The police said it was unlikely to be gunfire at the time, but there were clear bullet holes in the windows when I went past this morning.”

“The windows to the left and right of the door had small round holes in, with the glass around the holes stressed about six inches - so it could only be a bullet in my mind.

“There's scaffolding up today, so I'm not sure if they've actually caused structural damage. It was very intense.”

We have contacted South Yorkshire Police for further details.